Thursday, July 2, 2009

Army wives!

I have a friend on facebook who posted this poem a little while ago and I have gotten her permission to post this and share it with you. She really captured the spirit of what being an army wife is like. I hope you all enjoy Jennifer's creativity and talent as much as I have!

We have a common bond, it's as tight as you can get,
We share our secret pain,without it we'd never met.

We started this so lonely,but now we can see the light,
The daily fear and anger,is now going to get a fight.

We seem so weak and lonely, this you can plainly see,
but now I have my friends, to be all that we can be.

We had no lengthy training, no rank is on our chest,
but we are also warriors, learning to become the best.

We carry the weight of family, as a wife and a mother,
not knowing how we do it, just one foot in front of the other.

One day I may be crying,an endless stream of tears,
but my friends are right there waiting, knowing all my fears.

My day will soon be over,its time to stand so tall,
for when I turn the corner, I will catch you when you fall.

This black cloud that hangs above us, will surely make its rounds,
but when my day is sunny, you can pass the saddened crown.

It's a year of tears and laughter, but most only fear,
that nightmare that has formed us, reality is always near.

No matter what the problem, we can always tell,
that someone is right there waiting, sharing my living hell.

Even when its over, and the men have all come home,
We will forever have been bonded, where ever we may roam.

God has brought us together, by a war we have to fight,
but the love and strength we have, will conquer through the night.

I Love You Girls!
There's Army Strong, then there is Army Wife Strong!

Chalouxs Girl

Isn't that fabulous?