Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Much delayed!

I know I had promised to explain the excitement over Jacob's promotion after I told you about it in the last post. I am sorry it has taken me so long to get to do this. I have been busy and a procrastinator all at the same time. Not a good combination I know, but hey, this is me!
As I have explained before, Jacob has been gone a great deal of the past year. Part of this time he was going to a few schools that were necessary for his promotion to Staff Sergeant. My excitement was a combination of the typical pride in all that my husband is and all of his accomplishments and elation that all of that extra sacrifice on both of our parts finally paid off. He has been waiting ever so patiently for this. Well, patient for Jacob anyway, and now it has finally come and he is Staff Sergeant Brown! Yay! I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished in his chosen career. I know that I had nothing to do with his getting the promotion, but I was ecstatic when he called and told me! (as you may have noticed in my last post!)
I haven't actually talked to him since he called to tell me about the promotion being official and it is killing me. For all of the technology nothing can make up for the sound of his voice. Instant messenger chats just don't bring with them that sense of comfort that a phone call does. Still, it could be worse and I am well aware of that and I am trying to use that to keep myself sane. I just miss him! I did feel better after a day of relaxation, getting my hair cut, and chatting with my sister-in-law this afternoon. Hopefully I will talk to Jacob soon. I will continue to keep you posted on how he is doing and try to be more regular with my entries. As always please keep our soldiers in your prayers!


April said...

I am still angry that I haven't seen pictures yet! LoL. Love ya'll!

Constance said...

He hasn't mentioned any pictures. I am betting he didn't bother. He doesn't think about things like that.
Love you too!

Mandi said...

Congrats again! And you actually *did* have something to do with his promotion. Without your support and encouragement, he wouldn't have taken the extra classes necessary for it. So congratulations to you both!

Constance said...

Thanks Mandi! I hadn't actually thought of it that way!