Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So far...

I am deeply sorry for not keeping you all posted the way I should have. I will now attempt to play catch-up! So, Jacob is safely in his new location and is for the most part bored out of his mind! He has been on a couple convoys to outlying posts, but for the most part he has stayed put and is about to loose his mind I think. I am sure that most of you know that they did indeed loose three guys a while back and that has trouble Jacob a bit. He happened to know them and while any loss is a terrible blow, knowing them must be so much worse. I don't know from personal experience and I hope never to know that kind of loss. The loss of a comrade. Other than this, nothing much has been going on. We, of course, are coming up on Father's Day which will feel a little empty, but we will get through that too. I told you there wasn't much going on. Seriously, I talk to him online every day and use the webcams occasionally and still I haven't much to tell you. It is incredibly nice to hear from him on a mostly regular basis though. Again, I apologize for neglecting my blog and I will attempt to be less sporadic about it from now on. Thank you for all of your support and please continue to pray for our soldiers and the families of those that we lost!


Mandi said...

I love reading your blog, but I know that life gets busy, so don't feel bad.
That is terrible that they lost 3 soldiers. May they rest in peace and be remembered always.

Constance said...

Thanks Mandi! I can't say though that its just being busy that kept me from posting. I've just been negligent.

April said...

by negligent do you mean lazy? Is it like "meehhh uggghhh"?

Love you! I was happy to see a new post here tonight!

Constance said...

Yeah go ahead and mock me April! love you too!